KPT SATURDAY is the part of the ministry where believers from different churches and ministries come together every Saturday to pray for the Church(the body of CHRIST), leaders of the Church, nations, leaders of the nations, general leadership of organizations, cooperate, businesses, homes etc.
This is done every Saturday from 3:00 pm in the afternoon to 5:30 pm.
In here, we teach the word of GOD in order to offer an understanding of the Kingdom of GOD.
We then come together as one body, in one accord, to pray as the HOLY SPIRIT leads.
Training is offered here through teaching and prayer.

We are Word based
The calling of the ministry is to teach, train and raise leaders.
We are called by God to help equip the body of Christ, national leaders, organizations, etc through prayer, teaching and training.
We are called by GOD as an organization and not a Church.
We are called to stand with the church, support and help the Body of Christ.

We are called to equip the members of the church for their service to God and mankind.

We are called to stand with ministries in the area of fulfilment of their assignment for the work of kingdom

Prayer Mandate
Our calling is to serve the church through intercessory prayer, the teaching of the gospel of the Kingdom and to offer Biblical principle trainings.