Our Vision

Our Aim
The aim of the ministry is the creation of the one accord platform or stage for all the members of the body of Christ through prayer and training.
The aim is to provide the “platform of togetherness” for the assigned work of the kingdom. Matthew 28:19-20
As our Caller (king Jesus) enables us, we aim to help create the atmosphere of “co workers” between the body of Christ (the church).
Through the power of God we aim to bring into the body of Christ the understanding that “we are one people working for one kingdom by serving one King”.
The aim is to work with the leadership of the Churches in the accomplishing of the duties mandated to us by God.
Our aim is to stand with the leadership sectors of the called body of Jesus Christ in the dispensation of their roles and duties.
We aim to provide the adequate tools required for the various works in the ministries of the kingdom.
This is done through our prayer, teaching and training sessions.
Our aim is to equip the body to gain the required standards and qualities needed to fulfil their calling. We aim to enhance the church and leaders to be effective in their various works.
We aim to give efficiency and productivity to leadership through the principles of God.

Our Mission
“To raise and train leaders for the work of the Kingdom”
All thanks go to GOD who started this good work for the ministry to have a history today.
We bless our LORD JESUS CHRIST who is the author and the finisher of our faith. HE is the history of the ministry.
The LORD began the ministry with two people including the leader in a little studio apartment in the suburb of Ilford in Essex, London in 2014.
It started as a meeting to discuss the word of GOD, to pray and to encourage each other.
From two people it became four people, then others. The studio flat soon became too small for us as some of us had to sit on the bed because the only chair in the living cum bedroom apartment could accommodate only two people.
With this, the LORD moved the work into another home in Chadwell Heath also in London.
From here the ministry which met every Saturday and still does began to receive more directives from the LORD as to where HE wanted to take the ministry.
Every Saturday, believers came together from different churches and ministries to study, share the word of GOD and to pray for the church, nations, and leaders.
The LORD was so gracious to us, the work continued to grow in the home as the LORD kept adding to the ministry. It grew from five people to almost thirty people. So much so that there was no more space to contain the people in the living room.
After one year the LORD asked for the ministry to be moved from the home into a hall in a Church of England building called St John’s Evangelical Church in Seven Kings, London.
During this move, many of the people left the ministry as they claimed, they felt the LORD was not leading them to that direction. Through faith the rest of the people obeyed GOD and moved according to HIS word.
In here, the LORD continued to bless ministry as the ministry grew again and became bigger. Believers kept coming together to pray, fellowship and study the word of GOD.
Within this season of success came a testing and challenging time for the ministry. During that period many of the people left as some of the people said they felt GOD had called them to start their own meetings, churches and to join other ministries. At one point over twenty people left in one day.
In trusting the LORD, the leaders of the ministry remained standing in the strength of the LORD as HE sustained the ministry through HIS righteous right hand.
By this time there were less than ten people, but the LORD was with HIS ministry and HIS people.

Close to the end of the second year 2016, the LORD asked the ministry to be moved Westfield in London Stratford City to fulfil a word which HE had given a year before.
Moving to this place felt a big step for everyone as there were only few people but the LORD was with the ministry and had remained faithful.
So, by faith, the people heeded to the voice of the LORD and obeyed according to HIS steps and directions.
By the beginning of 2017, the LORD had made all the necessary arrangements for the ministry to move to this new place in the Westfield in London Stratford City where the LORD kept the ministry until May 2019.
Within a few weeks into this new place the LORD grew the ministry to more than twice of the people who were there before.
GOD has continued to grow and increase the ministry.
The LORD has so much blessed the ministry that within this time, HE has also blessed the ministry with a Women Leadership Academy. Now the ministry has an academy (leadership training school) which is set up to train and equip women for leadership called Phoebe Women’s Academy.
Since that time, the LORD has indeed shown HIS faithfulness and goodness to the ministry.
In April 2019 whiles we were enjoying what the LORD was doing at Westfield Stratford, the LORD did another great thing beyond our imaginations. We began experiencing challenges at where are as to the great favour the LORD had given us.
The LORD opened a door to for us to have a building of our as a permanent place of worship and service for the ministry. Through the grace of GOD, we followed HIS leading again and HE led us to this large space. The LORD went ahead of the ministry and made all the provisions needed to get this space and to settle the ministry permanently in our own building.
By May 2019, the LORD by HIS faithfulness, mercy and grace had gotten the place for the ministry in Chadwell Heath where the ministry has been till date.
We thank the LORD for how far HE has brought us.
GOD is faithful! JESUS is LORD and KING!

Calling Scripture
MATTHEW 24:14 – And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

We believe the Bible to be written by men under the inspiration of GOD – (2TIMOTHY 3:16)
We believe the whole Bible to be the truth GOD – (PSALM 119:160)
We believe that our GOD is (DEUTERONOMY 6:4)
We believe in the existence of GOD in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (MATTHEW 28:19)
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. (JOHN 1:1)
We believe in our LORD JESUS CHRIST as the anointed One (MESSIAH) sent by GOD the FATHER to save the world. (JOHN 3:16 and JOHN 17:3)
We believe in the birth, death, resurrection, ascension and return of our LORD JESUS CHRIST – (REVELATION 1:18 and Corinthians 15:1-5)
We believe in the full gospel of CHRIST for salvation according to the scriptures. (1 CORINTHIANS 15:3-4)
We believe that all men are saved by grace through faith in JESUS CHRIST and not by works. (EPHESIANS 2:8)
We believe in the full work of the HOLY SPIRIT on earth for the regeneration of believers. (GALATIANS 5:22-23)
We believe in the work of our LORD JESUS CHRIST on the cross for the full benefit of salvation through faith. (COLOSSIANS 2:14)
We believe in the full redemptive work of our LORD JESUS CHRIST for the forgiveness sin. (COLOSSIANS 1:14)
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the speaking in other tongues by believers as the SPIRIT gives utterance. (ACTS 2:4)
We believe in the kingdom of GOD on earth as now and future. (MATTHEW 4:17)
We believe in the empowerment of the believer through the HOLY SPIRIT. (ACTS 1:8)
We believe in evangelism to make disciples of all nations through the preaching of the gospel of JESUS CHRIST. (MATTHEW 28:19-20)